Special Announcement: ERPE in Wall Street’s BEST

Blackhawk Wealth Advisors, Wealth Advisors, Financial Planner, Blackhawk Financial Planner, Blackhawk Wealth Advisor, East Bay Wealth Advisor, East Bay Financial Planner, Wealth Management
According to its Chief Editor, Wall Street’s Best Dividend Stocks contributors have seen many market ups and downs, and are investment professionals who have not only survived but prospered with their excellent skills and expertise through years of up and down markets. It is a privilege for me to be a contributor to the Top Dividend Picks 2018.   Hope you enjoy it.  I call it:
Wall Street's best Dividend Stocks
General Mills
Wall Street
2018 Value Continued
Dividend Stocks
It is a true pleasure for me to share my investment experience, ideas and vision with others.  I would be happy to pass on my weekly ERPE Excerpts and other periodic writings to anyone who you think might enjoy it. There’s the link to do that.
Thank you,