Market Insights

New Year Outlook 2018

While preparations are underway to toast to a new year with the raise of a glass, I hope this time finds you with fond memories of the year soon to pass. How quickly a new year comes as another one ends, I hope you ring in 2018 with family and friends. It is that time … Continue reading “New Year Outlook 2018”

Happy Thanksgiving to Prosps 2017

May the good things of life be yours in abundance not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year. Wishing You and Yours a Happy Thanksgiving John Gardner & Greg Costa

Happy Thanksgiving…2017

As we pause to recognize all we are thankful for, we want to thank you for your continued  trust and confidence in us.  Thank you! Wishing You and Yours a Happy Thanksgiving John Gardner & Greg Costa

Save the Date Jan 25 2018

Save the Date New Year 2018!  Client Appreciation Night Our way to say Thank You & wish you a Happy New Year! Thursday, January 25, 2018 5:30p – 8:30p Blackhawk Automotive Museum

Harvey Support 8.31.17

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The ERPE family is taking action on behalf of our friends in Texas by supporting American Red Cross. If you’d like to join in our efforts, please visit their site here

Portfolio Update 1.9.17

Today is a good day for our pet health care stock (and hopefully another healthy day for all of our pets). VCA, Inc., which we enjoy referring to by its stock symbol “WOOF,” announced this morning that it is being acquired by Mars, Inc. Under the terms of the deal, Mars will pay $93 as … Continue reading “Portfolio Update 1.9.17”

New Year Outlook 2017

2017 Outlook As another new year begins, we are happy to offer our outlooks for the markets and economy in 2017.  What’s ahead for 2017?  While uncertainty is high and optimism is cautious, here are some of our insights and expectations for the year ahead. We Wish You a Happy & Healthy New Year! John … Continue reading “New Year Outlook 2017”