Announce April 2019 Alive Mag… Misleading Myths & Misconceptions of Investing

John Gardner, CFP®,CPM®, a regular columnist for ALIVE magazine, announces the April issue has been published. Here is your link to ALIVE Magazine April 2019 “Misleading Myths & Misconceptions…” You will see John’s featured article starting on page 24 of ALIVE Magazine’s April issue. John has long been a promoter of proper perspective, so this … Continue reading “Announce April 2019 Alive Mag… Misleading Myths & Misconceptions of Investing”

Announce October 18 Alive Mag

ERPE’s founder and CIO, John Gardner, CFP® is now a regular columnist for Alive magazine.   Here is your link to ALIVE October 2018 Danville, Ca., October 12, 2018 – Covered Call Writing: The 9% Solution. In this article I discuss a time-tested, proven investment strategy suited best for investors seeking high income and modest … Continue reading “Announce October 18 Alive Mag”

Announce September 18 Alive Mag

ERPE’s founder and CIO, John Gardner, CFP® is now a regular columnist for Alive magazine. Here is your link to September 2018 ALIVE 2 Investment Rules to Tune-into Now: You’ve heard it all before. Now it’s time to listen. In this article I underscore the two investment tenets I believe are most important: know your “investment-self”, … Continue reading “Announce September 18 Alive Mag”