Announcing AIF

BWA announces…

John is an AIF®

We are happy to announce that John has been awarded the Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Designation. The AIF® Designation signifies specialized knowledge of fiduciary responsibility and the ability to implement policies and procedures that meet a defined standard of care. The designation is the culmination of a rigorous training program, which includes a comprehensive, closed-book final examination under the supervision of a proctor, and agreement to abide by the Center’s Code of Ethics and Conduct Standards. On an ongoing basis, completion of continuing education and adherence to the Code of Ethics and Conduct Standards are required to maintain the AIF® Designation. The link below provides more about the designation.

Benefits of Choosing an AIF Designee 

As the link above states, AIF® designees adhere to a code of ethics and conduct standards that show a commitment to a higher degree of industry professionalism. Even those investment professionals who are required to act as fiduciaries might not have the experience or training to prepare them for this enormous responsibility. Only Accredited Investment Fiduciary’s have been certified specifically for their ability to follow a fiduciary process with their clients’ best interests at heart.

John will continue to, as always, adhere to his fiduciary duty of care and loyalty to the clients he serves.

Blackhawk Wealth Advisors, Inc.

3860 Blackhawk Rd, Ste 160 Danville, CA. 94508
