Media Contact:
John J. Gardner, CFP®, CPM®
John Gardner, CFP®, CPM®, a regular columnist for ALIVE magazine, announces the November issue has been published. His column, “Investor’s Edge”, is on page 35.
Link to ALIVE Magazine November 2019
Danville, Ca. November 13, 2019
“Understanding Investment Alphabet Soup”
You will see John’s column, Investors Edge, on page 35 of ALIVE Magazine’s November issue. Throughout his 35-year career, John has recognized the often-confusing language, acronyms, and general “alphabet soup” unique to the investment realm. This month’s Investor’s Edge column is intended to help make some sense of all of that.
Thanks to Mr. Eric Johnson, ALIVE Magazine’s founder and publisher for another great cover! Thanks again to Eric for partnering with the “PrintReleaf” program to further ALIVE Magazine’s commitment to being “eco-friendly”.
We hope you enjoy John’s thoughts on Investment Alphabet Soup. For more information, feel free to contact John directly.