Announce September 18 Alive Mag

Blackhawk Wealth Advisors, Wealth Advisors, Financial Planner, Blackhawk Financial Planner, Blackhawk Wealth Advisor, East Bay Wealth Advisor, East Bay Financial Planner, Wealth Management

ERPE’s founder and CIO, John Gardner, CFP® is now a regular columnist for Alive magazine.

Here is your link to September 2018 ALIVE

2 Investment Rules to Tune-into Now: You’ve heard it all before. Now it’s time to listen.
In this article I underscore the two investment tenets I believe are most important: know your “investment-self”, and know your investments.
Here are some quotes from this month’s column. “We all have investment parameters and constraints unique to us. Considerations like risk tolerance and tax consequences are two common investment parameters….You must know your investment parameters and constraints as they should serve to govern how you invest.” Further, I wrote, “The risk list is long. There are currency risks, political risks, market risks, systematic risks, timing risks, and as mentioned, interest rate risk, which is related to inflation risk. Market and economic risks are manageable, so don’t worry. Just know the risks to begin with. “Surprise!!” Should only be experienced at your unexpected party, not in your investment portfolio.”
Mr. Eric Johnson, the founder and publisher of ALIVE magazine promised us contributors that the September issue would be special. He kept it a secret, just saying he was excited about the famous actor on the cover. I hope you enjoy it, too. While you’re at it, read Eric’s piece, From the Publisher. It is always a good read!