ANNOUNCEMENT: December 2019 Issue of ALIVE Magazine Out Now

December Issue of ALIVE Magazine Out Now

Media Contact:
John J. Gardner, CFP®, CPM®

John Gardner, CFP®, CPM®, a regular columnist for ALIVE magazine, announces the December issue has been published. His column, “Investor’s Edge”, is on page 29.

Link to ALIVE Magazine December 2019


Danville, Ca. December 13, 2019

“Review & Preview”
You will see John’s column, Investors Edge, on page 29 of ALIVE Magazine’s December issue.After 35-years as a professional investment advisor, John continues to enjoy sharing his insights with on the global financial markets and economies as the calendar is about to turn a page to a new year. This month’s Investor’s Edge column is intended to briefly share John’s take on this year’s highlights and his expectations for 2020. As that is a lot to capture in 800 words or less, contact John for a more in depth take on his OUTLOOK 2020.

Thanks to Mr. Eric Johnson, ALIVE Magazine’s founder and publisher for another great cover! Thank you, also Eric, for your genuinely caring and encouraging message in your “From the Publisher” column. Everyone needs to know what is the “most important miracle”.

We hope you enjoy John’s “Review & Preview”.
Wish all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!